We are members of NAFAS (National Association of Flower Arranging Clubs and Societies) - which was formed in 1959 with help and advice from RHS
Within the United Kingdom there are 21 Areas, each autonomous with its own Area Chairman and Committee. Each Area is affiliated to the parent Association and each Area Chairman attends National Council four times a year, usually in London when policy and other NAFAS matters are discussed.
With about 44,000 members NAFAS ranks amongst the most notable specialist National Associations in the UK.
Each of the 21 Areas within the UK is organised on similar lines to the parent association and arranges their own events such as educational facilities, flower festivals, demonstrations and training for Area judges, demonstrators and speakers.
Within each Area there are clubs which again are responsible for their own organisation. The clubs usually meet monthly when there might be a flower arranging demonstration, talk, workshop, competition or other social event. Clubs often organise flower festivals and garden visits for their members.
Since its inception NAFAS has had teachers who have taught flower arranging skills at National, Area and club level. The NAFAS Teaching Manual is available as a digital download from our on-line shop along with a selection of education handbooks for the beginner to the more advanced student.
NAFAS is a very large organisation, hence it is broken down into regions. Chippenham Flower Club belongs to the South West Area of National Association
To find out more about SWAofNAFAS, click the link
Since 2023 we have been encouraging children and young people to join our membership, and for just £1.00 a year, accompanied children can come along and enjoy our demonstrations, festivals and events.
Children are also welcome at our practice class where for just £5.00 per person per session they can learn a new skill
Our subscription is £45.00 per annum or as a visitor at £6.00 per visit
At each meeting we have a raffle where for £1.00 per strip of tickets you have chances to win one of the wonderful displays created that night.
* This is a wonderful evening with a NAFAS National demonstrator. Tickets are sold or this event from October onwards.
Practice class is £5.00 per tutorial which includes refreshments. We meet at Pewsham Community Centre 7pm - 9.30pm.